Can porn help me perform better in bed?


Can porn help me perform better in bed?

Do you remember the first time you watched a pornographic video? What did it feel like? Do you still watch porn, why do you still watch porn? A lot of people watch pornography, it is a fact and different peoples have different reasons for it. What is yours?

As part of growing up, teenagers get introduced to pornography by their elder siblings or peers. Watching pornography seems to have become like a rite of passage for young people from puberty to early adulthood.

These teenagers could have been told that watching pornography teaches them some sex styles to impress their girlfriends. Others claim that you have to learn how to do the act so that having great sex with a spouse would be easy. Do you agree? If great sex is fundamental to having a successful marriage, why do marriages break up? Well, that is beside the topic of this article. Our focus should be on pornography and aiding sexual performance.

Let us talk about Basil

Basil was a young man in his early twenties, handsome and naive. It was Christmas and he decides to travel to be with his family. His cousins came around for the holiday, so it was a large gathering of family members. Every night the family would gather to tell stories of their sojourn during the year and other happenings. On one such night, basil and his cousins were having palm wine when one of them popped a question at him.

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

He replied in the negative. The answer was met with some jeers and silent laughter. One after the other, the cousins told him that he had to get one. They shared their experience of how many girlfriends they have had, how important it was for a person to have a girlfriend to “…learn the ways of women and how to handle them…” His married cousin said it was through the lessons he had learned from his past relationships and the sex styles he learned from watching pornography that has helped keep his marriage going.

“Oh really…” basil must have thoughtSEVICS man-5723449_1920-1-300x210 Can porn help me perform better in bed? Health Sexual and Reproductive Health  Sex education adolescent health

Another cousin recounted how pornography had helped him get his confidence. “My confidence is what makes a man a man”, he would say. Confidence would mean his ability to perform sex well. A lot of young men have had these kinds of encounters with their older siblings or friends. This kind of conversation triggers watching porn even leading to addictions.

It is not all true

Just as basil’s cousins, a lot of men have developed theories about pornography and how it makes a man perform better in bed. Some of these theories have no logical or scientific backing to them. You might have heard people say:

You become a sex pro: the myth is that a person is able to perform sex like the actors in a porn video and give maximum sexual satisfaction to their partner. The more a person watches porn, they learn how to give pleasure. Alas, this is just a myth because the amount of sexual a person can give is not dependent on the number of sex videos a person watches.

You overcome impotence: this means that pornography can be an aid to being sexually stimulated and achieve an erection. It is true that pornography can give a man an erection, but in time, it might not be so anymore as the brain becomes used to pornographic videos.

Pornography and impotence

A man could be said to be impotent when he cannot

  • achieve an erection
  • ejaculate
  • produce enough sperm to make a woman pregnant

Pornography plays a role in inducing impotence, though not in every form of impotence.

Inability to achieve an erection

When a man cannot achieve an erection, it is a condition known as Erectile dysfunction. Some of the causes are performance anxiety, depression, or poor physical health.SEVICS condom-3112057_1920-300x200 Can porn help me perform better in bed? Health Sexual and Reproductive Health  Sex education adolescent health

Research in support of the link between pornography and erectile dysfunction argues that porn can desensitize sexual response. A 2016 article argues that more young men are seeking help for ED and that this could be due to the desensitizing effects of so-called “hardcore” pornography.

Drawing upon case studies and a review of previous research, the article argues that pornography may decrease men’s satisfaction with their own bodies, triggering anxiety during sex.

Men who view pornography may need to progressively increase sexual stimulation to feel and remain aroused.

The use of pornography might change the way the brain reacts to arousal, making a man less likely to feel aroused by a real-life partner.

The use of sex toys might desensitize nerves in the penis, making it more difficult to get an erection because the nerves require more physical stimulation. This suggests that, even when pornography is one possible factor behind a case of erectile dysfunction, it is unlikely to be the only factor.

Inability to produce enough sperms to impregnate a woman

A man produces billions of sperm cells every day. An optimum amount of sperm cells are required in one ejaculation to cause a woman to be pregnant. These sperm cells meet and join with the woman’s ova to produce a zygote which grows to become a baby. An addiction to pornography possibly leads to an addiction to masturbation. When that becomes the case, the amount of sperm cells in the man is below normal and the sex might not be able to cause pregnancy.

The bottom line

Do you still watch porn, why do you still watch porn? This article is meant to put the spotlight on  the  negative effects of pornography on a man’s sexual health. If pornography becomes an addiction to you and affects sexual stimulation or the way you have sex, you should see a therapist.

Source : 


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