I Allow my husband sleep with other women while I do house chores- Lady spills

A Young lady Monica Huldt has confessed that she lets her husband, John sleep with other women because she loves him and she can anything to keep him with her.
According to monica, she said she loves her husband so much and she accepts him going against their wedding vows.
Monica also said she puts her husband needs at first before thinking about hers.
During an interview on youtube with Love don’t judge, Monica said she doesn’t care what people say about her and her decision.
“I’ve always had a submissive side and I’ve always been drawn to assertive and dominant males.
“I love to make people I love feel good. It’s not like I’m a hopeless little girl, it’s not that.
“It’s just he’s assertive and I like that in a man.” She said
Monica also said she spends most of her day doing the house chores while her husband is at work

She also said to satisfy her husband, she dresses good, have a makeup on so when her husband returns he can have something good to look at.
“My mum told me, ‘be pretty and in good shape because nobody wants a fat and ugly wife’.”
But not everyone agrees with her lifestyle as her close pals claim she’s “lost her dignity” with letting him sleep around.
“I know in my heart that he loves me because he comes home to me, he takes really good care of me,” Monica said.
“But I think if you’re a good person and you’re with someone you love and you’re soulmates, it’s a whole different thing.
“I love my marriage and I love him, and I don’t think there’s anything stopping us from living like this always.”

Monica said that her childhood friends advised her not to have kids for her husband.
“I’ve had childhood friends telling me I shouldn’t have children because I would be a horrible mum.”
But defending their lifestyle, John said: “It’s a luxury I have that probably most guys wish they had.
“If you look at all the other mammals, how they do it, typically the alpha male gets to bang all the females.
“I think it just makes for a more relaxed relationship because there’s nothing in my life that I desire that I can’t have.
“And I think that makes me a better husband.” She said
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